Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Deep Blue Sea

Yesterday, one of my best friends and I went to see the new film The Deep Blue Sea at the beautiful Paris theatre here in New York. It was one of the most visually stunning films I have seen- kudos to Lizzie Georgiou to making Rachel Weisz and the rest of the characters look fantastic in period hair and makeup. I also loved the cinematography and art direction. The cinematographer was Florian Hoffmeister, who has mainly worked in German film. Anyway, a really stunning night at the cinema! In other news, I will begin posting more of the interviews I have been doing, I didn't have time to do much blogging before the pop up shop- and have a huge backlog of interviews with some awesome gals. Lastly, Audrey Grace will be launching an online shop end of May/early June- more on that soon. I am also very pleased to announce I have some exciting shoots coming up!

Photos from