Friday, December 23, 2011

Interview with Helen Martin, the editor of Lionheart Magazine

It's true that Audrey Grace is the only United States stockist of Lionheart Magazine. I just read the first issue of Lionheart myself, and it was very inspiring! Congratulations to Helen and her team for compiling a beautiful magazine brimming with illustrations, essays, and feel good fashion. I suggest you pick up a copy! Helen's website is here. I also had the pleasure of interviewing Helen about her special magazine below. Also, the photos are a sneak peek of who is profiled in the first issue. Maybe you'll recognize some of them? Enjoy!

Hi Helen- tell me a little bit about yourself, what you do, where you grew up, etc. 

Hi there, my name’s Helen/Hels, I am 27 and the Editor and creator of Lionheart Magazine. I grew up in a little village in the green hills, just outside of Brighton. I loved it there, it was very quintessentially English, but with a mighty twist - that being Brighton. I adored the Georgian city and went there as often as I could to meet my friends, walk the seafront, sit in the coffee shops and observe everything going on around me. It’s now in a romantic, rose tinted part of my memory.

It was also a bubble!

I left and lived in Australia for a year, coming back via Bali (heart), Fiji, NZ etc. then went to university by the wilder coast of Cornwall. This is one of the best places in the world, full of brilliant people, incredible scenery and a zest for life.

I now live in Bristol, in the middle of a four- legged spider: London, Brighton, Cornwall and Jersey (an island by France, an hour or so away by plane), where Charlie, my boyfriend is from.

Tell me about the magazine you are starting, Lionheart magazine. 

It’s a beautiful collection of talent; interviews, inspiration, illustration, craft, gardening, style and a grasping of the wonder of life as we have it. As opposed to aspiring for more, the magazine encourages learning, growth and dancing!

What can girls look forward to in Lionheart

Witty editorial, honest accounts, brilliant interviews, great style, wonderful illustrations and a positive, true outlook. Issue one will have an interview with Bleubird Vintage, a piece by BBC presenter, Cherry Healey and style chat from the recent winner of Cosmo’s Best New Fashion blog award, Olivia Purvis. It’s 96 pages, printed on thick, matte paper and the perfect size for your handbag.

What made you want to start a magazine? Were you inspired by independent British magazines such as Lula

I wanted to create something that people would keep, something inspiring, peachy good and a real reflection of their lives, interests and desires. Lula, Oh Comely etc., I really like, but Frankie Magazine, from Australia, was the magazine that really struck a chord with me. It’s brilliant. That said, Lionheart Magazine has its very own, distinct voice and style. You’ll see what I mean I hope, it’s definitely a unique publication, covering a multitude of topics.

What do you love about living in Bristol? 

I love the Georgian architecture, creative community, easy access to amazing mountains and sea, and how I can get everywhere on my bike - no need for public transport or the use of a car.

Who is your style icon? 

Grace Kelly had something that went beyond just incredible style, she was so elegant, stunning and inspiring. I think she’s a timeless icon, absolutely. I went to an exhibition of her dresses at the V&A and was mesmerised by the pieces, but it’s when you see her in them, that her true icon credentials become apparent. As regards to modern day icons, there are so many blogs full of them! Bleubird Vintage’s”Miss” James, is obviously a stylish lady.

Since your magazine will be stocked in Audrey Grace, what can you see yourself buying from the boutique? 

Oooh, I love everything so much! Vintage styles are my favourite and you’ve collected brands from around the world, so it’s a dream shop! I love Rachel Antonoff,  Katie Louise Ford and Her Pony, so pretty.

What are you favorite magazines, books and films for inspiration? 

Books: Brave New World - Aldous Huxley, A Staggering Work Of Heartbreaking Genius - Dave Eggers, The Loved One - Evelyn Waugh and Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tess Of the D’Urbervilles - Thomas Hardy. 
Magazines: Frankie, VOGUE, Another Magazine
Films: True Romance, Me, You and Everyone We know, Somersault, Shooting Fish, Drive and From Paris With Love.

If you could travel anywhere in the world and stay for an indefinite amount of time, where would it be and why?

That’s a really tough question! I’m always keen for an adventure, I’d miss my cat and friends, but a travelling life persistently beckons. I’d love to visit Stockholm, Vancouver, Costa Rica, Brazil, New York and Portland. I’d also like to live in France at some point –Charlie’s family have a little, simple cottage there and it’s such an escape - I guess, as far as where I’d live for an indefinite time though…well as long as I’m with Charlie, I have blankets, the potential to bring Francois the cat, Charlie has surf and I have paper and pens to write, I would be happy in many places. I’m happy here for now.

What is the future like for you and Lionheart

Well, I hope, hope to be continuing to create Lionheart Magazine for many years. It means so much to me and I believe it’s something that will continue to grow and hopefully become a staple in people’s lives, like their cornflakes in the morning. I hope people see it as the breath of fresh air they’ve been waiting for. It’s beautiful, I promise. 

All images

Thank you so much, Helen!


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